Black Arrested For Attempted Rape Of 13 Year Old Girl
(too old to reply)
2012-05-25 07:43:21 UTC
Black Arrested For Attempted Rape Of 13 Year Old Girl -
A 13-year-old girl was walking on the bike trail at the 2400 block of
Willie Mays Parkway when she was attacked by a man who attempted to sexually
batter her. The girl was able to fight off her attacker and he fled the
area. The victim assisted with generating a composite of the suspect. While
the Orlando Police Department was canvassing the area for witnesses, a
resident said he witnessed the suspect running from the scene and taking a
bus out of the area. He recognized the individual as 20-year-old Antoan
Singleton. A photo line-up was presented to the victim and she immediately
identified Singleton as the perpetrator. An arrest warrant was obtained.

Another black, another criminal. Her Majesty's Government imports them to
cause trouble. Her Allegedly Loyal Opposition imports them to buy fraudulent
votes - see Purity of Elections in the UK: Causes for Concern [
http://www.jrrt.org.uk/sites/jrrt.org.uk/files/documents/Purity of Elections
in the UK.pdf ]

As the media widely reported at the time, in reaching his verdict on the
Aston and Bordersley Green election petitions, Judge Richard Mawrey QC
suggested that the evidence pointed to a level of organised fraud "that
would disgrace a banana republic". The text ofMawrey's judgment reads as a
damning critique of the security of postal voting and, particularly, the
lack of safeguards designed to prevent electoral fraud.Uncompromising,
direct and, at times, almost polemical in style, the written judgment
arguably still represents the most detailed analysis of the vulnerability of
postal voting to organised fraud.

That's how it is. That's how Labour likes it. Tories are stupid enough to
let them get away with it.

Election Fraud for the nitty gritty
2012-05-25 13:31:25 UTC
This isn't just prejudice. UK home office dats shows the black crime
rate, including rape at around 10 times the white rate. USA dept of
justice confirms 13 times the white rate this is confirmed by FBI
victims of crime data which also proves police and courts aren't

I have found the data fom FBI, home office etc though you have to look

The amren "color of crime" report is easily found.

Blacks killing Whites in Sth Africa are barely sentenced at all
