Just to let you know... "Top ten speed cameras identified and they take £3 million a year from motorists. "
(too old to reply)
2011-11-01 14:41:07 UTC
Top ten speed cameras identified

Britain has around 6,000 speed cameras, which generate £100m a year in tickets.
The top ten speed cameras by revenue have been identified and they take £3 million a year from motorists.
One of the inventors of speed cameras was Maurice Gatsonides,
a Dutch rally driver who developed the “Gatso” camera as a training
tool to improve his cornering speed.

A single temporary camera on the A1(M) southbound, between junctions four and three in Hertfordshire, captured an average of 789 drivers a month.

If each driver received a £60 fixed penalty, that would raise £568,080 a year, making it the most profitable camera.
In second place was a fixed camera on the A3 on Anglesea Road in Portsmouth, which caught an average of 537 motorists a month, or £387,000 a year.
Third place went to a site on the A40 Western Avenue in London, where 499 speeders per month were found, on average, making an estimated £359,000 in fines.

A camera on the M11 in Essex, where Chris Huhne, the Energy Secretary,
was caught and allegedly asked his ex-wife to take his penalty points,
caught an average of 176 motorists a month.

The worst-performing speed trap was one on the A348 in Ferndown, Dorset, which caught no speeders in three years.

The Sun, which compiled the figures using Government information, found the most perilous route for fines was a 12-mile stretch of seafront in Brighton, East Sussex, which is lined with 11 cameras that caught 18,045 drivers in three years.

Britain has around 6,000 speed cameras, which generate £100m a year in tickets.

A spokesman for Drivers’ Alliance told the Sun: “Cameras don't improve safety. They're often placed to generate maximum revenue.”
A spokesman for the road safety charity Brake said: “They are an extremely effective way of enforcing the law, reducing speeds and preventing tragedies.”

One of the inventors of speed cameras was Maurice Gatsonides, a Dutch rally driver who developed the “Gatso” camera as a training tool to improve his cornering speed.

2011-11-01 16:03:15 UTC
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Today is Setting Orange, the 13th day of The Aftermath in the YOLD 3177
RIP, Dennis Ritchie. One of the giants on whose shoulders Steve
Jobs was standing.