Want to see HARRIET HARMAN hanged? Vote UKIP.
(too old to reply)
Martin K. Amesbury
2014-04-25 03:38:18 UTC
The disgusting cunt HARRIET HARMAN begs to be
charged with treason
charged with other capital crimes
tried on fast track
sentenced to death by hanging
hanged, slowly
have the hanging video sold by HMG to help pay
back the £trillions Labour has cost the country.

None of this can happen without having the death
penalty back on the books, and without undoing
several of the traitorous changes to the law of
treason made by the last Labour catastrophe.

None of that can happen while we are still in
the appalling, corrupt shambles that is the EU.

Therefore, vote UKIP. It is our best chance to
get to see Harriet Harman hanged.

Harriet Harman is very far from the only one who
needs to be hanged.

But she can serve well as the first.

It is not official UKIP policy that Harriet be
hanged. But it is a predictable outcome if UKIP

Not that we needed another reason to vote UKIP,
there are enough reasons already.
True Blue
2014-04-25 10:49:26 UTC
You can just imagine her journey from the condemned cell to the gallows;

"Get OUT of this cell!"..."Don't come another step further towards...GET
YOUR HANDS *OFF* ME!!!"...."Right...you've really done it now...do *NOT* put
my hands in those shackl...I WANT THE EQUALITIES MANAGER **NOW**!!!"...."No
I will NOT "follow you!!" "....."stop pushing me...what do you think you're
doing??!!" "Now YOU listen to ME! - I am TELLING you not to push me along
this corridor"....
2014-04-25 11:17:46 UTC
Post by True Blue
You can just imagine her journey from the condemned cell to the gallows;
"Get OUT of this cell!"..."Don't come another step further towards...GET
YOUR HANDS *OFF* ME!!!"...."Right...you've really done it now...do *NOT* put
my hands in those shackl...I WANT THE EQUALITIES MANAGER **NOW**!!!"...."No
I will NOT "follow you!!" "....."stop pushing me...what do you think you're
doing??!!" "Now YOU listen to ME! - I am TELLING you not to push me along
this corridor"....
This is punch and judy politics.
Etaoin Shrdlu
2014-04-25 11:21:41 UTC
Post by True Blue
You can just imagine her journey from the condemned cell to the gallows;
"Get OUT of this cell!"..."Don't come another step further towards...GET
YOUR HANDS *OFF* ME!!!"...."Right...you've really done it now...do *NOT* put
my hands in those shackl...I WANT THE EQUALITIES MANAGER **NOW**!!!"...."No
I will NOT "follow you!!" "....."stop pushing me...what do you think you're
doing??!!" "Now YOU listen to ME! - I am TELLING you not to push me along
this corridor"....
Now this is surely what tasers are for?
True Blue
2014-04-25 13:39:18 UTC
Post by Etaoin Shrdlu
Post by True Blue
You can just imagine her journey from the condemned cell to the gallows;
"Get OUT of this cell!"..."Don't come another step further towards...GET
YOUR HANDS *OFF* ME!!!"...."Right...you've really done it now...do *NOT* put
my hands in those shackl...I WANT THE EQUALITIES MANAGER
I will NOT "follow you!!" "....."stop pushing me...what do you think you're
doing??!!" "Now YOU listen to ME! - I am TELLING you not to push me along
this corridor"....
Now this is surely what tasers are for?
"Put that device down!!"...."NOW!!"...."I *SAID* put it *DOWN*!!"
2014-04-25 17:04:45 UTC
Post by True Blue
Post by Etaoin Shrdlu
Post by True Blue
You can just imagine her journey from the condemned cell to the gallows;
"Get OUT of this cell!"..."Don't come another step further towards...GET
YOUR HANDS *OFF* ME!!!"...."Right...you've really done it now...do *NOT* put
my hands in those shackl...I WANT THE EQUALITIES MANAGER
I will NOT "follow you!!" "....."stop pushing me...what do you think you're
doing??!!" "Now YOU listen to ME! - I am TELLING you not to push me along
this corridor"....
Now this is surely what tasers are for?
"Put that device down!!"...."NOW!!"...."I *SAID* put it *DOWN*!!"
Ever thought you and Harman might be two sides of the same coin, a
mirror image, takes two to tango etc?

Seriously, there's too much of a whiff of reaction these days. It
requires no thought at all. After all, if yesterday was so great then we
wouldn't have today.

The problem I have with both of you is this battle of the sexes stuff.
In fact proper gender equality would help males just as much as females.
Have you seen the suicide rates amongst young men?

Don't you think on the issue of feminism we should have the most
competant management of either sex. Some of the bosses are really
fucking crappy, and replacing them with birds would likely help. Keep
the best men, appoint more able women if they're around. Simple.

Sometimes a woman can bring in a new angle to an executive position-
look at Thatcher for example. Merkel? Bhutto? Running a government or
business requires brains as opposed to specific genitals.
True Blue
2014-04-25 17:34:05 UTC
Post by andy
Ever thought you and Harman might be two sides of the same coin, a
mirror image, takes two to tango etc?
I thought you'd overdosed.
2014-04-25 18:11:25 UTC
"Martin K. Amesbury" <***@gmail.com> wrote in message news:***@msgid.frell.theremailer.net...
The disgusting cunt HARRIET HARMAN begs to be
charged with treason
charged with other capital crimes
tried on fast track
sentenced to death by hanging
hanged, slowly
have the hanging video sold by HMG to help pay
back the £trillions Labour has cost the country.

None of this can happen without having the death
penalty back on the books, and without undoing
several of the traitorous changes to the law of
treason made by the last Labour catastrophe.

None of that can happen while we are still in
the appalling, corrupt shambles that is the EU.

Therefore, vote UKIP. It is our best chance to
get to see Harriet Harman hanged.

Harriet Harman is very far from the only one who
needs to be hanged.

But she can serve well as the first.

It is not official UKIP policy that Harriet be
hanged. But it is a predictable outcome if UKIP

Not that we needed another reason to vote UKIP,
there are enough reasons already.

We have enemies and traitors within.
Camoron, Clegg and Millipede.
2014-04-25 18:53:41 UTC
Post by Martin K. Amesbury
It is not official UKIP policy that Harriet be
hanged. But it is a predictable outcome if UKIP
Post by Martin K. Amesbury
Not that we needed another reason to vote UKIP,
there are enough reasons already.

Conviction without trial - that's about correct for the extreme right-wing
nutters otherwise known as UKIP (United Kingdom Idiots' Party).

True Blue
2014-04-26 11:12:11 UTC
Post by Martin K. Amesbury
Post by Martin K. Amesbury
It is not official UKIP policy that Harriet be
hanged. But it is a predictable outcome if UKIP
Post by Martin K. Amesbury
Not that we needed another reason to vote UKIP,
there are enough reasons already.
Conviction without trial - that's about correct for the extreme right-wing
nutters otherwise known as UKIP (United Kingdom Idiots' Party).
Well, I suppose decades of political correctness in the media and State
establishments have taken their toll on the minds of some eh, John?
2014-04-26 11:21:35 UTC
Post by True Blue
Post by Martin K. Amesbury
Post by Martin K. Amesbury
It is not official UKIP policy that Harriet be
hanged. But it is a predictable outcome if UKIP
Post by Martin K. Amesbury
Not that we needed another reason to vote UKIP,
there are enough reasons already.
Conviction without trial - that's about correct for the extreme right-wing
nutters otherwise known as UKIP (United Kingdom Idiots' Party).
Well, I suppose decades of political correctness in the media and State
establishments have taken their toll on the minds of some eh, John?
Unfortunately UKIP's anti-establishment viewpoint is superficial to say
the least.

Of course, being forward thinking and radical doesn't mean you have to
be left wing at all. It does require action as opposed to reaction.

Reactionary and backward looking is how many people see UKIP- not just
by socialists or Europhiles. In fact if UKIP was just against both of
these that wouldn't be a problem- it's more about a load of cantankerous
old codgers stuck in the past.
Martin K. Amesbury
2014-04-28 07:18:50 UTC
Post by Martin K. Amesbury
Post by Martin K. Amesbury
It is not official UKIP policy that Harriet be
hanged. But it is a predictable outcome if UKIP
Post by Martin K. Amesbury
Not that we needed another reason to vote UKIP,
there are enough reasons already.
Conviction without trial - that's about correct for the extreme
right-wing nutters otherwise known as UKIP (United Kingdom
Idiots' Party).
You are a disgusting and filthy liar, John, and I am going to
hold you to strict account for your defamation.

Whoever suggested "Conviction without trial" (besides you)?

You deliberately, and furthermore deceitfully, snipped my
post, created a strawman and then attacked that strawman.

This is what my post (prefix fa02138e29aabdecccb721190a7d6a28@)
to which you responded had stated:

The disgusting cunt HARRIET HARMAN begs to be
charged with treason
charged with other capital crimes
sentenced to death by hanging
hanged, slowly
have the hanging video sold by HMG to help pay
back the £trillions Labour has cost the country.

Or is there some part of "tried on fast track" which suggests
there is no trial? What do you think the word "tried" means,
you fucking moron?

There is a reason I always post under my real name.

By deliberately distorting what I wrote, maliciously too, you
have libelled me. As supernews.com is a pay-for-use net-portal,
they have your personal details. A very poor choice of usenet
provider, if you value your privacy and wish to defame others -
SN have been been known to spill the beans on receipt of a mere

Your post had:
Message-ID: ***@supernews.com
and its path confirms you weren't clever enough to conceal
your identity further (giganews fed by nntp.supernews.com).

I've already emailed them my demand at the address supplied at
supernews.com/docs/abuse.html. While it might have sufficed,
a lawyer's letter will be winging its way to them in the morn.

pssst: IAAL.

They don't even bother merely giving your IP address, which is
all they need to at this stage, leaving to me to weigh with your
ISP. They give the whole shebang on first call.

When we have your name and address "in order to commence
legal action", we shall review what alternative or supplementary
steps should be taken.

So, John, are you a frightened Labour liar, a frightened Libdem
liar of a frightened Tory liar? I hope its the former, though
the other two will give me pleasure squashing too.

Whichever it is, you are going to be one sorry asshole in a
short while. Who knows what else comes out after the seizures?

To others - to concoct this sort of filthy abuse, we can see
how terrified these loons are of UKIP.

Martin K. Amesbury

2014-04-26 17:13:36 UTC
"Martin K. Amesbury" <***@gmail.com> wrote in message news:***@msgid.frell.theremailer.net...
The disgusting cunt HARRIET HARMAN begs to be
charged with treason
charged with other capital crimes
tried on fast track
sentenced to death by hanging
hanged, slowly
have the hanging video sold by HMG to help pay
back the £trillions Labour has cost the country.

None of this can happen without having the death
penalty back on the books, and without undoing
several of the traitorous changes to the law of
treason made by the last Labour catastrophe.

None of that can happen while we are still in
the appalling, corrupt shambles that is the EU.

Therefore, vote UKIP. It is our best chance to
get to see Harriet Harman hanged.

Harriet Harman is very far from the only one who
needs to be hanged.

But she can serve well as the first.

It is not official UKIP policy that Harriet be
hanged. But it is a predictable outcome if UKIP

Not that we needed another reason to vote UKIP,
there are enough reasons already.

I thought they burned witches?