Serb military chief Ratko Mladic removed from war crimes court
(too old to reply)
2011-07-04 22:07:33 UTC
It's not that this court has any valued decissions, but Serbian barbaric
nature is evident:

Filth like Mladic should be killed like Osama Bin Laden. What defence he can
use and why this comedy about "not guilty" plea. What a waste of time and


A JUDGE has ordered former Bosnian Serb military chief Ratko Mladic be
removed from a UN war crimes court, after he refused to enter a plea to
charges including genocide.
At the start of today's hearing, Mladic began speaking out of turn,
prompting Judge Alphons Orie to ask him to remain silent until he was called
on to speak.

Mladic later complained of hearing problems.

Orie rejected defence lawyer Aleksander Aleksic's requests to postpone the
hearing and not defend Mladic.

Mladic asked for other lawyers, and later refused to listen to the charges
being read out.

Once Mladic was removed from the court, the judge began entering pleas of
not guilty on his behalf.

Mladic, 69, has been charged with 11 counts related to his role in the
bloody 1992-95 Bosnian war in which 100,000 people died.
2011-07-04 23:03:33 UTC
Post by arry
It's not that this court has any valued decissions, but Serbian barbaric
Filth like Mladic should be killed like Osama Bin Laden. What defence he can
use and why this comedy about "not guilty" plea. What a waste of time and
A JUDGE has ordered former Bosnian Serb military chief Ratko Mladic be
removed from a UN war crimes court, after he refused to enter a plea to
charges including genocide.
At the start of today's hearing, Mladic began speaking out of turn,
prompting Judge Alphons Orie to ask him to remain silent until he was called
on to speak.
Mladic later complained of hearing problems.
Orie rejected defence lawyer Aleksander Aleksic's requests to postpone the
hearing and not defend Mladic.
Mladic asked for other lawyers, and later refused to listen to the charges
being read out.
Once Mladic was removed from the court, the judge began entering pleas of
not guilty on his behalf.
Mladic, 69, has been charged with 11 counts related to his role in the
bloody 1992-95 Bosnian war in which 100,000 people died.
Blaming the whole thing on Mladic or the Serbs is rediculous and

They were faced with an insurrection, terrorism, kidnappings,
beatings, drug smuggling aided by foreign islamic insurgents.

It's not suprise the place went pear shaped.

The "Balkan" war didn't get viscious untill the US lead NATO
bombardment. Now essentially kosovo and bosnia have been totally
ethnically cleansed of serbs, essentially completing the process of
medieval turkic invasions.
Ördög Belphegor Lucifer Mephisto Satan
2011-07-05 01:05:20 UTC
Post by arry
Orie rejected defence lawyer Aleksander Aleksic's requests to postpone
the hearing and not defend Mladic.
Mladic asked for other lawyers, and later refused to listen to the
charges being read out.
Mladic is clearly trying to be obstructive.
Someone should remind him to sober up, and soon.
Blaming the whole thing on Mladic ...... is rediculous and stupid.
Indeed. But than he must have know that leaders are usually blamed for
things that go bad.
Just like Hitler or Himmler or Göbbels or Göring.
They were faced with an insurrection, terrorism, kidnappings, beatings,
drug smuggling aided by foreign islamic insurgents.
They were also suffering from greed, envy, Slavic chauvinism, irrational
hatred, and sadistic tendencies.
It's not suprise the place went pear shaped.
That is correct.
The "Balkan" war didn't get viscious untill the US lead NATO
Crap. Haven't you learned yet that rewriting history to suit your phobias
is a hopeless exercise?
Now essentially kosovo and bosnia have been totally
ethnically cleansed of serbs,
Telling fibs and fairy tales?
Even a ten years old child with an Internet access could refute your
Ördög (The friendly Hungarian Devil in service of sanity on Usenet)
Either the neocons go or civilisation does!
M.I. Wakefield
2011-07-05 02:28:28 UTC
"Eunometic" <***@yahoo.com.au> wrote in message news:d1ae155b-938d-4789-82ae-***@b39g2000prd.googlegroups.com...

Post by Eunometic
The "Balkan" war didn't get viscious untill the US lead NATO
bombardment. Now essentially kosovo and bosnia have been totally
ethnically cleansed of serbs, essentially completing the process of
medieval turkic invasions.
NATO bombed Serbia in 1999 to stop an attempted genocide in Kosovo.

Ratko Mladic commanded the siege and genocide at Srebrenica in July 1995.

Mladic and Radovan Karadzic are on trial for genocide and other war crimes.

That's not vicious enough for you?
2011-07-05 00:49:44 UTC
Post by arry
It's not that this court has any valued decissions,
Post by arry
but Serbian barbaric
Nope. What clearly evident is the barbaric nature of certain political
and military leaders and that of their henchmen.
And what also evident is how the road of racism/chauvinism/nationalism is
Post by arry
Filth like Mladic should be killed like Osama Bin Laden.
What they deserve is one thing and proper justice is another. One should
never confuse justice with vengeance. Not like some very stupid Americans
Post by arry
What defence he
can use and why this comedy about "not guilty" plea. What a waste of
time and money.
In a proper court of law one remains "not guilty" until proven otherwise.
That should be the case for everyone regardless of the accusations.
That is what makes us better than what the criminals are.
(A Hungarian Devil in service of aus.politics and Usenet)
Either the neocons go or civilisation does!
Viejo Vizcacha
2011-07-05 03:49:45 UTC
Post by arry
It's not that this court has any valued decissions, but Serbian barbaric
Filth like Mladic should be killed like Osama Bin Laden. What defence he can
use and why this comedy about "not guilty" plea. What a waste of time and
A JUDGE has ordered former Bosnian Serb military chief Ratko Mladic be
removed from a UN war crimes court, after he refused to enter a plea to
charges including genocide.
At the start of today's hearing, Mladic began speaking out of turn,
prompting Judge Alphons Orie to ask him to remain silent until he was called
on to speak.
Mladic later complained of hearing problems.
Orie rejected defence lawyer Aleksander Aleksic's requests to postpone the
hearing and not defend Mladic.
Mladic asked for other lawyers, and later refused to listen to the charges
being read out.
Once Mladic was removed from the court, the judge began entering pleas of
not guilty on his behalf.
Mladic, 69, has been charged with 11 counts related to his role in the
bloody 1992-95 Bosnian war in which 100,000 people died.
What seems clear is that the people who pay for their crimes are those
who do not manage to get the favour of US Congress, European
Parliament, NATO, big corporations, and/or mainstream media. I have
not heard any suggestion that Bush, Blair, Aznar, Cheney, Powell, or
Berlusconi be tried for their crimes against humanity.

So, anyone can call it justice, but it increasingly appears to be just

2011-07-05 06:07:05 UTC
Viejo Vizcacha wrote...
Post by Viejo Vizcacha
Post by arry
It's not that this court has any valued decissions, but Serbian barbaric
Filth like Mladic should be killed like Osama Bin Laden. What defence he can
use and why this comedy about "not guilty" plea. What a waste of time and
A JUDGE has ordered former Bosnian Serb military chief Ratko Mladic be
removed from a UN war crimes court, after he refused to enter a plea to
charges including genocide.
At the start of today's hearing, Mladic began speaking out of turn,
prompting Judge Alphons Orie to ask him to remain silent until he was called
on to speak.
Mladic later complained of hearing problems.
Orie rejected defence lawyer Aleksander Aleksic's requests to postpone the
hearing and not defend Mladic.
Mladic asked for other lawyers, and later refused to listen to the charges
being read out.
Once Mladic was removed from the court, the judge began entering pleas of
not guilty on his behalf.
Mladic, 69, has been charged with 11 counts related to his role in the
bloody 1992-95 Bosnian war in which 100,000 people died.
What seems clear is that the people who pay for their crimes are those
who do not manage to get the favour of US Congress, European
Parliament, NATO, big corporations, and/or mainstream media. I have
not heard any suggestion that Bush, Blair, Aznar, Cheney, Powell, or
Berlusconi be tried for their crimes against humanity.
So, anyone can call it justice, but it increasingly appears to be just
IIRC the leaders of Sudan, Zimbabwe, North Korea and lately Syria
haven't been charged yet either.

But I get confused with all the various international courts and
tribunals. I take it that this isn't the same one that ruled against
the US mining of harbours in Nicaragua. So I looked it up...

Ratko is facing something called (get this): "International Tribunal for
the Prosecution of Persons Responsible for Serious Violations of
International Humanitarian Law Committed in the Territory of the Former
Yugoslavia since 1991" - a UN body. A special court.

Moammar Khadaffi is wanted by the "International Criminal Court" -
which, it appears, only deals with folks from Africa, although not
usually their leaders.

The Nicaragua situation involved something called the "International
Court of Justice". In that case the US blocked the legitimacy of that
court in the Security Council, picked up their toys and ran home.
Errr.. not home exactly, but some places other than Nicaragua.

I think it's safe to say that we'll see more courts in the future, until
any idea of international rule of law is so bastardized that people will
refuse to put their faith in anything other than Free Trade Agreements.
Viejo Vizcacha
2011-07-05 14:02:46 UTC
Post by Erik®
Viejo Vizcacha wrote...
Post by Viejo Vizcacha
Post by arry
It's not that this court has any valued decissions, but Serbian barbaric
Filth like Mladic should be killed like Osama Bin Laden. What defence he can
use and why this comedy about "not guilty" plea. What a waste of time and
A JUDGE has ordered former Bosnian Serb military chief Ratko Mladic be
removed from a UN war crimes court, after he refused to enter a plea to
charges including genocide.
At the start of today's hearing, Mladic began speaking out of turn,
prompting Judge Alphons Orie to ask him to remain silent until he was called
on to speak.
Mladic later complained of hearing problems.
Orie rejected defence lawyer Aleksander Aleksic's requests to postpone the
hearing and not defend Mladic.
Mladic asked for other lawyers, and later refused to listen to the charges
being read out.
Once Mladic was removed from the court, the judge began entering pleas of
not guilty on his behalf.
Mladic, 69, has been charged with 11 counts related to his role in the
bloody 1992-95 Bosnian war in which 100,000 people died.
What seems clear is that the people who pay for their crimes are those
who do not manage to get the favour of US Congress, European
Parliament, NATO, big corporations, and/or mainstream media. I have
not heard any suggestion that Bush, Blair, Aznar, Cheney, Powell, or
Berlusconi be tried for their crimes against humanity.
So, anyone can call it justice, but it increasingly appears to be just
IIRC the leaders of Sudan, Zimbabwe, North Korea and lately Syria
haven't been charged yet either.
But I get confused with all the various international courts and
tribunals. I take it that this isn't the same one that ruled against
the US mining of harbours in Nicaragua. So I looked it up...
Ratko is facing something called (get this): "International Tribunal for
the Prosecution of Persons Responsible for Serious Violations of
International Humanitarian Law Committed in the Territory of the Former
Yugoslavia since 1991" - a UN body. A special court.
Moammar Khadaffi is wanted by the "International Criminal Court" -
which, it appears, only deals with folks from Africa, although not
usually their leaders.
The Nicaragua situation involved something called the "International
Court of Justice". In that case the US blocked the legitimacy of that
court in the Security Council, picked up their toys and ran home.
Errr.. not home exactly, but some places other than Nicaragua.
I think it's safe to say that we'll see more courts in the future, until
any idea of international rule of law is so bastardized that people will
refuse to put their faith in anything other than Free Trade Agreements.
There is this tendency in North America to label one side the "good
guys", and the other the "bad guys". We all know that Saudi Arabia,
Bahrein, and Jordan are "moderate" Muslim countries, while Iran. Libya,
and Syria are bad guys. Incidentally, Syria being a gross violator of
human rights, item on which Amnesty International and the US State
Department agree on, did not prevent the US government from sending Arar
to Syria. On the contrary, everything seems to indicate that that was
the reason the US government sent him there: to be tortured and
interrogated by Arab specialists in torture and interrogation.

In Rwanda the Hutus are considered the bad guys, even though, through
history, Tutsis have been the lords, and Hutus the peasants both in
Rwanda and Burundi, and Tutsis have never restrained themselves from
slaughtering Hutus by the tens or even hundreds of thousands. In the
Balkan conflict we all know the Serbs are the bad guys, even though it
was the Croats who collaborated with Hitler in WWII, and massacred
hundreds of thousands of Serbs, Jews, and Gypsies. Total ignorance of
history, and most of the time even of current events, allows mainstream
media not only to form our opinions, but also make us feel that we are
actually well informed. The feeling of being well informed is reinforced
when we compare our misinformation of current affairs with the total
ignorance of our office colleagues who are only aware of the last
remaining contestants in The Bachelor, and Dancing with the Stars, or
are being tweeted about the latest romance of Bristol Palin.
Kangaroo Court Australia
2011-07-07 01:16:40 UTC
Post by arry
It's not that this court has any valued decissions, but Serbian barbaric
Filth like Mladic should be killed like Osama Bin Laden. What defence he can
use and why this comedy about "not guilty" plea. What a waste of time and
A JUDGE has ordered former Bosnian Serb military chief Ratko Mladic be
removed from a UN war crimes court, after he refused to enter a plea to
charges including genocide.
At the start of today's hearing, Mladic began speaking out of turn,
prompting Judge Alphons Orie to ask him to remain silent until he was called
on to speak.
Mladic later complained of hearing problems.
Orie rejected defence lawyer Aleksander Aleksic's requests to postpone the
hearing and not defend Mladic.
Mladic asked for other lawyers, and later refused to listen to the charges
being read out.
Once Mladic was removed from the court, the judge began entering pleas of
not guilty on his behalf.
Mladic, 69, has been charged with 11 counts related to his role in the
bloody 1992-95 Bosnian war in which 100,000 people died.