Mob chased crooks as cops did nothing
(too old to reply)
Mr X
18 years ago
Mob chased crooks as cops did nothing

September 19, 2006


VIGILANTE neighbours tailed two burglars for a mile and stopped a train
to catch them - after cops failed to answer FOUR 999 calls.

The villains, a man and a woman, had posed as window cleaners and
pinched cash from an 88-year-old woman's home.

But they were spotted in the same street in Scunthorpe, Lincs, and
residents made a flurry of calls to police.

When officers did not turn up FOUR brave neighbours decided to follow
the suspects.

At the town's railway station, the thieves - in their 20s and linked to
two other thefts from the elderly in the area - got on an express bound
for Manchester Airport.

So the crimebusters asked the driver to stay put while two of them
sprinted 300 yards to the police station.

By the time the cops arrived the man had ran off across tracks, but the
woman was arrested.

One of the residents, Adrian Herron, 30, said: "Ordinary people
shouldn't have to chase round town and hold up trains, but we had no
choice. It was either that or let the pair go scot free, and we weren't
having that."

He said they were shocked cops did not turn up right away.

He said: "As we went through town we phoned them to describe the couple
and say what they were wearing."

Fellow resident Clyne Ellis, 72, said: "I feel the police let us all

Det Chief Inspector Chris Baker of Humberside Police yesterday
apologised for the delay.

He said: "Our response should have been much faster. The residents
deserve some praise."

The woman, aged 21, was bailed by police after questioning on suspicion
of burglary. The man is still at large.

You just couldn't make it up!

"He said they were shocked cops did not turn up right away" - Yes
ordinary citizens are often shocked when they realise the reality of
Mr X
18 years ago
OMG. This makes my heart sink.

Have they ever shown a police officer on one of those Horlicks "How do
they sleep at night" advertisement?
Phil Stovell
18 years ago
Post by Mr X
Mob chased crooks as cops did nothing
They were probably smoking the proceeds from the latest "cannabis factory"
Phil Stovell, South Hampshire, UK

"They said I should not take him to the police, but rather
let him pay a dowry for my goat because he used it as his wife"
18 years ago
makes you really want to help when you see a copper having a hard time on a
saturday night ----------- YEAH RIGHT
Mr X
18 years ago
Post by Alan
Post by Mr X
"He said they were shocked cops did not turn up right away" - Yes
ordinary citizens are often shocked when they realise the reality of
makes you really want to help when you see a copper having a hard time on a
saturday night ----------- YEAH RIGHT
I would certainly help a police officer if he/she needed it. I have no
problem with officers as individuals, but I do think there is something
very wrong with the system.
Mr X
Fergus O'Rourke
18 years ago
"Mr X" <***@privacy.net> wrote in message news:***@privacy.net...
Post by Mr X
One of the residents, Adrian Herron, 30, said: "Ordinary people
shouldn't have to chase round town and hold up trains,

Why not ?

Why is it reasonable to expect a policeman always to be available ?
18 years ago
On Fri, 22 Sep 2006 15:46:30 +0100, "Fergus O'Rourke"
Post by Fergus O'Rourke
Post by Mr X
One of the residents, Adrian Herron, 30, said: "Ordinary people
shouldn't have to chase round town and hold up trains,
Why not ?
Why is it reasonable to expect a policeman always to be available ?
Because the police have campaigned to remove many of the rights and
responsibilities of the citizen claiming they (the police) are the
only ones fit to hold them. Recall the police used to be described as
citizens in uniform and had no more powers than that of the ordinary
person. Their sole advantage was a limited immunity from personal
prosecution when on duty.

Now we have a police force consisting largely of paramilitary thugs
who seem to regard the citizen as a lower form of animal life.
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